Monday, September 15, 2008

Re: Why is the Validation Filters Array Processed Backwards and Returns Conservatively?

Actually, I don't think it does!

I was always under the impression it (CakePHP 1.2) runs through the
$validate array in it's natural order and falls out at the first fail.


var $validate = array(
"rule"=>array("minLength, 1),
"message"=>"is required",
"message"=>"must be unique"

The unique rule won't be tested if the required rule fails.

This is certainly my experiance (of CakePHP 1.2).

On Sep 13, 8:32 am, "O.J. Tibi" <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Just wondering why is the validation filters array ($validate)
> processed backwards and when a validation criteria matched, returns
> conservatively? I asked this question because it's quite inconvenient,
> if not unconventional, that we write the filters in reading order, and
> we expect that the first match upon validating our form $data is from
> the top of our $validate array.
> Thanks in advance!
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