Monday, February 2, 2009

Re: Running bake on a remote server using console

First off you would need shell access to your remote server, and can't
call it locally.

If your using CYgwin the commands should be identical, only the paths
will change. But you will need putty or similar if your running
windows locally.

Second, why don't you just replicate your local files and DB to the
remote server?

On Feb 2, 12:30 am, bakerLeo <> wrote:
>  I started learning cakePHP just recently and I just completed my
> first project. However, I need some help now that I've started
> deploying it on my remote server. So far I've only worked at home on a
> windows machine. I am not familiar with console commands and have only
> so far used cygwin to run cake's bake commands and schema create db
> command to create ACL tables. However I'm not sure how I would do this
> for my remote server although I'm sure there is a way. I hope someone
> could help me out.
> $alias cake="php c:/htdocs/cakesample/cake/console/cake.php"
> How would I go about changing this path to point to my remote server?
> Thanks in advance.
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