Tuesday, March 31, 2009

HELP, Controller displaying multiple duplicate rows


I think there is a problem on my parameter on the controller. Because once my other tables has multiple entries, the data on the row is duplicated for my main controller.

See my code and parameter and the SQL query cakephp produces.

The default for cakephp
  1. $this->set('pdffiles', $this->paginate());
  3. ON (`Pdffile`.`statuses_id` = `Statuses`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `users` AS `User`
  4. --- ON (`Pdffile`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `comments` AS `Comment`
  5. ON (`Comment`.`pdffile_id` = `Pdffile`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `statuses` AS `Status`
  6. ON (`Status`.`pdffile_id` = `Pdffile`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1 LIMIT 20
The modified, under controller
  1. $this->Pdffile->recursive = 0;
  2. $parsedConditions['Pdffile.user_id'] = $this->Auth->User('id');
  3. $this->paginate['Pdffile'] = array('conditions' => $parsedConditions, 'limit' => '50', 'order' => array('Pdffile.timestamp' => 'desc'));
  4. $this->set('pdffiles', $this->paginate());
  6. ON (`Pdffile`.`statuses_id` = `Statuses`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `users` AS `User`
  7. --- ON (`Pdffile`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `comments` AS `Comment`
  8. ON (`Comment`.`pdffile_id` = `Pdffile`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `statuses` AS `Status`
  9. ON (`Status`.`pdffile_id` = `Pdffile`.`id`) WHERE `Pdffile`.`user_id` = 17
  10. ORDER BY `Pdffile`.`timestamp` desc LIMIT 50
Missing where 1 = 1?

How could this be fixed?
Louie Miranda (lmiranda@gmail.com)

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