Sunday, August 30, 2009

Re: Problems with updateAll

Your memb__id field must be your primary key as that is what CakePHP
finds after running the select query and then uses to run the update.
If you have an ID to use (which you must have as CakePHP requires all
models to have a primary key) why are you hell bent on not using it?
After all it would speed up your application as that's what a primary
key is there to do.

I do not know for deffinate why the dev team made the framework do the
select query first, but I can hazard a good guess that it is there to
ensure if only one record needs to be updated that it does not
unneccessarily run an update call for all records in a table. Hence
making it more efficient and ensuring people who are misusing methods
don't shoot themselves in the foot.

>the only thing I didnt like in Cake was it. I think if it is "taken
>off" from rails, it should works like it.

I can't speak for the CakePHP development team, but I really don't
think CakePHP is meant to be a direct copy of Ruby on Rails. I
believe there is a lot of influence coming from the many good things
that RoR does, but CakePHP is its own framework and does a lot of
things its own way.

> Just one last thing, when I used this
> $this->Account->updateAll(array('Account.bloc_code' => 0), array
> ('Account.memb___id' => $account['Accountconfirm']['memb___id']))
> being $account['Accountconfirm']['memb___id'] = 'mylogin'

You're using the primary (memb___id) as the condition in this one, so
it has no need to go and fetch it. But if you have the ID and you're
only updating one field in one record then why not use saveField() as
previously suggested?

In summary you're using the wrong method and then getting upset with
CakePHP when it automagically steps in to help you out .. how dare it
be so helpful :o?
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