Friday, November 27, 2009

Error: ItemsController could not be found.

I have the recent version of cake installed on my windows vista
machine. To make things easier, I am using the WAMP application.
I was able to get the green bars indicating that everything was
working ok and the database set up went well too.
My directory structure is D:/wamp/www/cakephp and local host is
Well, now I am stuck as I tried to work through a tutorial.

In my folder D:/wamp/www/cakephp/app/models, I created a file
class Item extends AppModel
var $name = 'Item';

and in my folder D:/wamp/www/cakephp/app/contollers, I created a file
class ItemsController extends AppController {

var $name = 'Items';
var $scaffold;

When I run http://localhost/cakephp/items, I get
Error: ItemsController could not be found.
Error: Create the class ItemsController below in file: app\controllers

My allowOveride is set to ALL and the load rewrite_module is un
I have a feeling my problem lies in the .htaccess docs and I tried to
read the installation manual but there is a section that is not clear
to me. Please see number 3
Am I supposed to ad this code snippets to the httpd.conf doc ?

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