Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Re: Any chance to get the ID of a new created record BEFORE I save it to the DB?

I think this would really help your situation

I have used it in the past and if you read the documentation thoroughly it is very easy to implement.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 1:05 PM, DigitalDude <> wrote:

I have a serious problem, and I need a hint from you guys to solve it!

In one of my controller actions, I have the problem that I need to
create some records , let's say A, B, and C.

The problem is, that record A needs a field from record B, which is
the ID of record B, and which I only can set when record A is saved,
and B is saved. In model C I need some information from the new
created models A and B, which I only have when model A and B are

As this has to do with a register-process for my app, I need to
validate the data for all models. The problem is, that when model A
passes validation, and get's saved (which is needed to save the other
models) and model B fails, I have a "never used" record of model A in
my database. I need to get around that, because that's like a worst
case for me!

I hope there's any chance to create a record, set this record with the
data I get from my registration form, and use the data for the other
records and save everything at the end of the action when every record

I know I can check a record for validation by setting the model data


and then

if($this->Model->validates()) { the record(s)

But right now I'm only able to do this when I have an edit action and
I set the Model to a specific record with like

$this->Model->id = $id_from_get_parameter_or_so

It would be VERY cool if there is a slight chance that I could create
a new record with current auto-increment id from the database, use
that id for my other models, and at the end when I created all needed
records I'd check every record for validation and if every record is
ok, they all get saved.

If anyone knows how to achieve this, I would be very very happy!




If needed, I can post the code of the whole RequestAction to see if
maybe there's another solution to this...

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