Thursday, December 3, 2009

Re: Delete confirm

I thought it might be about time to jot down how I am implementing
this (based around AD7Six's code). I have got it working *pretty much*
as I want it, but still have a few questions. I never thought this
would be so tough! I readily acknowledge that I am stumbling in the
dark here at times.

First, I have amended my app_controller, adding:

$this->Security->blackHoleCallback = '_confirmAction';

I am only really interested in trapping deletes at present, but can
soon resort to an array of actions later if needed. This stops a
delete request processing if it does not come from a POST. It's ideal
for me as the delete instruction comes from a link (and hence a GET).

Then I have my _confirmAction function:

function _confirmAction ($reason = null) {
if ($reason == 'post') {
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'deleteConfirm', $this->params
$code = 404;
if ($reason == 'login') {
$code = 401;
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Access Denied');
$this->redirect(null, $code, true);

This is called when a delete is attempted by anything other than a
POST. For my part, it safely redirects the user to the "deleteConfirm"
action. $this->params['pass'][0] refers back to $id passed in by the
delete link, and therefore contains the id of the record that is going
to be deleted.

Then I have my deleteConfirm action (it's in my app_controller so that
I don't have to propagate it throughout all of my controllers):

function deleteConfirm($id) {
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'view', $id, 'delete'));

You'll notice that I am redirecting the user to the view screen. I am
doing this because I want to present details of the record they are
going to delete rather than a reasonably anonymous screen. I am adding
an unnamed parameter - 'delete'. I'll explain that a bit more in a

Here's where I stumble upon my first issue. I'd love to set a variable
called 'mode' to indicate what I am going to do in my 'view'. I have
tried $this-set('mode', 'delete'), but it seems to be cleared after
the redirect. Is this correct, or am I doing something wrong?

Back in my controller, I have amended my view function:

function view($id = null, $mode=null) {
$this->set('mode', empty($this->params['pass'][1]) ? 'view' : $this-

Here I am inspecting the second passed parameter ($id first, then
$mode). If it is empty I am doing a straightforward view. Therefore,
the view renders without any reference to deleting. If, on the other
hand, $mode is not empty, I am doing something else. The only other
alternative at the moment is 'delete', so let's assume that's what's
happening. The view renders, but with some changes to reflect the fact
that I am deleting. This includes a health warning and a form to
perform the actual delete via a POST:

if ($mode == 'delete'):
echo $this->Html->tag('p', 'WARNING! You are about to delete the
following ' . $type . '. If you proceed, this delete cannot be
reversed.', array('class' => 'flashWarning'));
echo $this->Form->create(null, array('url' => array('action' =>
'delete', $id)));
echo $this->Form->input ($referer, array('type' => 'hidden',
'value' => $referer));
echo '<p><ul class="links">';
echo $this->Html->tag('li', $this->Form->submit ('Yes - delete',
array('div' => false)));
echo $this->Html->tag('li', $this->Html->link ('No - cancel', array
('controller' => $referer)));
echo '</ul></p>';
echo $this->Form->end();

I've also added a 'cancel' link that returns the user to where they
came from using $this->referer(). The action on the form is 'delete'.
As it comes from a POST the security component does not block it. So
the delete action in app_controller triggers (again, only have it in
app_controller as it is very standard):

function delete($id) {
if ($this->{$this->modelClass}->del($id)) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('The record was deleted.', true), true,
array('class' => 'flashSuccess'));
$this->set('mode', 'view');
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'), null, true);

Here is where I run into my next couple of problems.

First, again I'd like to set $mode back to 'view', so that my next
function knows that it is not doing a delete. The redirect *appears*
to reset it, so it's an unrecognised variable.

Second, I can use $this->referer() to send the user back to somewhere
meaningful (rather than just the index), but (i) if it is a view
screen the deleted record isn't there so it's meaningless and (Ii) it
still has the second parameter ('delete'). I *can* handle both of
these in the view, but it isn't very elegant.

It's been a long post! To sum up, this is sort of working but it is a
bit clunky. I am sure there is a better way to pass the $mode variable
around and I am sure there is a more elegant way to set and deal with

Any thoughts (please be gentle on me!)?

On Dec 3, 12:40 pm, AD7six <> wrote:
> On 2 dic, 17:27, ""
> <> wrote:
> > A mostly working solution[1][2], that you can see here:
> > It is based on Teknoids great information at his blog[3][4], combined
> > with a helper that triggers a javascript::confirm(), doubleposts are
> > essentially not possible due to SecurityComponent. If you really
> > require an js-free confirmation, why not add a checkbox to that helper
> > that you have to check before clicking (check if it was clicked in the
> > helper and before that onSubmit via javascript)
> > [1]
> > [2]
> > [3]
> > [4]
> That's ... a lot of code. You also have to remember/know in the view
> if you should or should not use your helper.
> FWIW I prefer for things to be a lot more transparent that that.
> Here's an example:
> That's using ajax - but it doesn't have to be (it's not a requirment
> or inherant to the technique/solution).
> The 'magic' is here:
> There's no 'magic' here:
> Anyway, good for the topic to be discussed.
> AD

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