Thursday, December 3, 2009

Re: How can I get the current session?

Hi Nick,

I will definitely take a look, even if my aim right now is to track
unregistered users for days and in between different sessions, imagine
shopping carts for e-commerce or any other implementation where the
registration process is delayed or completed step by step at different

Regarding substituting IPs with sessions, my previous reply to Dave
might contain a possible solution.



On 3 Dic, 03:29, nurvzy <> wrote:
> Hi Mario,
>   I've repackaged my little who's online utility as a plugin.  It
> works well enough for my purposes basing off IP, its easy to track
> test and get at easily.  /shrug
> If you're interested, I wrote about it:
> You can dig around in the source to see how it works, if you come up
> with a better way feel free to add to it/etc... =)
> Nick

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