thank you for your reply, very interesting suggestion for the who's
online feature.
And yes, once I get hold of who is browsing, I want to store the data
in a table (may be 'users' with a status flag indicating they are not
But why rely on $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] (IPs aren't prone to
duplicates, two or more users behind the same firewall?), where
CakePHP automatically writes a 'CAKEPHP' (session, I think) cookie? I
mean, a part from not being to access to its value, just like
me :-) ...
On 2 Dic, 05:10, nurvzy <> wrote:
> Hi Mario,
> Well, if you want to use Sessions or Cookies I suggest reading the
> book on the two. The problem you'll face is both cookie and session
> are client based objects. So you can set all the sessions and cookies
> you want but you'll need a way to store them somewhere in either your
> server memory or a database so *you* can see it. I suggest ditching
> the Session/Cookie idea and go with a database or flat-file.
> The way I've tracked users in the past is create a database table
> ('onlines' for me). Then in my Online model I just create a little
> method that delete's all entries greater than 10 minutes modified. I
> then pass in $this->here to my Online's createOrUpdateUser model
> function, this is all in my beforeFilter() in my app_controller.php
> //app_controller beforeFilter()
> $this->Online->update();
> $this->Online->createOrUpdateUser($this->here);
> In createOrUpdateUser($currentPage = null) I use the IP ( $_SERVER
> ['REMOTE_ADDR'] ) as the key and just update/create where the user
> currently is in the app $this->here in the app_controller.
> This gives me a nice little Online table that I can look at to see
> who's online (for the last 10 minutes).
> Hope that helps,
> Nick
> On Dec 1, 11:50 am, Mario <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I am dealing with unregistered users (no Auth login) and I want to
> > track them from page to page using sessions.
> > I see in my browser a cookie named 'CAKEPHP' and I thought I could
> > read it in a controller with
> > $this->Cookie->read(Configure::read('Session.cookie'))
> > [where in my config/core.php I have
> > Configure::write('Session.cookie', 'CAKEPHP');]
> > But it doesn't work, I get nothing.
> > Any hint or alternative method I could implement?
> > Thank you in advance.
> > Best,
> > Mario
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