Thursday, January 28, 2010

Difference between Model Validation and manually setting error option in a form element

I noticed a strange behaviour today.

I tried to enter some manual validation into a form.
This worked fine, except that the error message was printed out before
the input element:

<div id="Article.journal_idMessage" class="error">Please select or
enter a Journal</div><div class="input select"> [...]

When I use the Model Validation, the Error Message is appended after
the form element (and with different HTML Code):
<div class="input text error"><input name="data[Publication][year]"
type="text" size="4" value="2050" id="PublicationYear" class="form-
error" /><div class="error-message">Please enter a year between 1000
and 2030</div></div>

Is there a way to tweak the error field in the form to act like the
normal model validation?

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