Thursday, July 29, 2010

Re: PHP 5.2 no longer supported (Implications for cake 2.0) ??

> I think it would be nice to see cake 2.0 follow Li3 and Symfony's
> direction and push the boundaries a bit by moving to 5.3> only.

Anyway you cut it, regardless of whether cake 2.0 is >5.3 only, or
5.2+, there is still an incredibly urgent need for an interim release
to get the antiquated php4 limitations out, and get with php5.

If that doesn't happen soon, I fear no one will consider this
framework seriously for new adoption.


Phase 1 - must contain basic things like:

- interfaces, abstract classes
- exceptions (throw/catch)
- static vars and functions
- visibility keywords
- argument hinting
- autoloading
- interceptors

Other things I think are do or die for phase 1:
- Lazy loading of all cake elements (models, helpers, components)
- Migration to PHPUnit
- Include DebugKit as part of the cake core

Some people go crazy over the models returning data as objects instead
of arrays, but that doesn't move me so much.

Phase 2 - incorporation of 5.3

- namespaces,
- late static binding,
- lambda functions,
- closures,
- iterators

.. as well as other functionality enhancements.

It would be very difficult to upgrade a cake 1.3 site directly to
phase-2, but is certainly doable to phase-1.

The above two phased approach, I believe, is basically the current
cake roadmap. The only remark I would make, is the current roadmap
should clearly indicate an intent to adopt 5.3 features eventually,
and to frame the cake 2.0 release as an intermediate phase 1, on the
road towards that.

But we really, desperately need to get with the rest of the world, and
asap put something out that has basic php5.2 functionality.

Trust the cake developers, they are pretty sensible people :-))

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