Monday, November 1, 2010

Find most uses categories with a count?


I was wondering the other day how can I achieve the following result
by doing a find on a specific model:

Let's say I have a table called items and they've got a foreign key to
a category (category_id).

What I want to have is a find, that picks me the 10 most used
categories from the table items, sorted from most to less. The result
should be:

Category 5 - 11 items
Category 2 - 7 items
Category 9 - 3 items
Category 1 - 2 items

I think you'll get the idea. A simple key -> value array with the key
as the category_id and the value as the count of the items would be
all I need but it could also be an array with the name of the category
also if someone is able to do that...

Any help would be appreciated ;) !



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