Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How REST works in Cake (how to have REST with CAKE :-) )


I am new to CakePHP (to PHP itself, mother tongue is C++)

I am trying to understand the some depth knowledge of working of REST
in cake php

Specific questions
- How CakePHP has frameworkised the REST routing/controller to map to
exact URIs and/or to its Resources
- I Like to understand its (above question) design strategy as it is
required for me to have good grip of REST API services (to optimize,
troubleshoot, etc.,)
- How it ensures best practices of REST is followed and saves us from
pitfalls (though theoretically it cannot, but the framework services
should keep us in safe mode, that is what i assume)
- How much effort is required for developer to deal with routing, i
want developer to only worry about his resource and API methods not
much on routing, authentication etc.,

Any doc/tutorial/book/reference links could help

if not all at least one of it should be available with experts i hope


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