Thursday, October 27, 2011

Re: CakePHP 2.0 upgrade - benefit vs pain scale

I can vouch that performance under 2.0 certainly seems much, much snappier (unscientific statement). I ran the upgrade script over a pretty meaty existing app and it just plain didn't work afterwards. I was left with a ton of errors I'd not seen before, so had that really uncomfortable wtf feeling. If you know 2.0 backwards you'd be able to go straight to the problem source and fix it. If not, it's like being a first timer again. I stopped the migration and started on the tutorial, just to learn it.

The move from 1.3 to 2.0 is definitely worth it for all the reasons stated, but as it stands migrating is something that will take time. It's not like updating a Mac from one version of OS X to another where everything is over and done in a few minutes. It's a project that demands planning, time and knowledge. I wouldn't trust my own upgraded app in a production environment just yet, but I won't start anything new on 1.3.

Jeremy Burns
Class Outfit

On 28 Oct 2011, at 01:25, Jamie wrote:

My experience - I'm in the middle of doing my first upgrade. The
application that I'm upgrading is quite mature (started as 1.2, then
upgraded to 1.3, now going to 2.0) and has 22 plugins, for a total of
85 controllers, 75 models, and a ton of other stuff (components,
behaviors, helpers, view files, etc.). The MySQL database has around
2.5GB of data in 81 tables.

I've been at it for about three days. To say it's been painful would
be the understatement of the year. :) I like the changes made in 2.0,
but, with the amount of time I'm going to have invested in upgrading
by the end, I'm wondering if the improvements will be drastic enough
to justify the time spent.

On Oct 27, 5:38 am, Shukuboy <> wrote:
Hi guys,

I have already started my first project in Cake 1.3, and have managed
to set everything up the way I want it, that includes the basics,
authentication, unit testing, i18n and a few other things.

I had a look at the change logs of Cake 2.0 and all the updates look
like good stuff.   However I'm not sure if upgrading at this point of
time would be so wise as it'd mean upgrading a whole lot of
components, behaviors, tests and may end up costing a lot of time in
the future, due to lack of compatibility with existing plugins written
for 1.3.

Hence, I was wondering about your opinion on these :
-  Are the non-tangible benefits of Cake 2.0 (such as performance and
code clean-ness) worth the pain of upgrading ?
-  How much effort was involved in upgrading all your stuff to 2.0 ?
-  What's your experience been like so far with the new framework ?


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