Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Re: Force Trailing Slash and No WWW

I work at a UK college and we have a large number of 'web products' on their own subdomains along the lines of, You would not believe how many people assume the domain name, no matter what it is, has to have www. written in front of it to work properly, when that is obviously not the case.

For example, we use Moodle as our virtual learning environment, and it's set on the subdomain, and we get people typing in and then complain that our systems are down.  Only our public website uses, and where we use external domain names, we advertise them without the www. and rewrite the url (as above) if the user arrives at our site via that method.

Personally I think typing www. is ugly and no longer relevant, but not having rewrite rules set (like so many UK colleges, whose websites seen to simply not exist when all they need is www. on the front of the name) is worse.

My 2p.


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