Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Re: Html helper - stop adding prefix unless explicitly specified

On 5 Paź, 03:31, rchavik <> wrote:
> You could create a custom helper inheriting HtmlHelper, then use the joeb'sAnalogue plugin<>to masquerade your helper as core HtmlHelper. This way, you don't have to
> modify your view files

Thanks... that got me thinking so I dug into the whole thing and I
found out the solution... Long story short - I overrode Router's url()
method and set it to explicitly set 'admin'=>false for urls in
prefixed routes...

Here's the code that goes into app_helper.php:

class AppHelper extends Helper {

function url($url = null, $full = false) {
$prefix = $this->params['prefix'];

if($this->params[$prefix] && (!isset($url[$prefix]) || !
$url[$prefix] = false;
return parent::url($url, $full);

So far it works like a charm... we'll see how it goes...

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