Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Re: Simple deleteAll() yet I am stuck..


If you look at the method definition, you see that the conditions don't have to be wrapped into an array with an 'conditions' key.


should do the trick.

Kind regards

On 04.10.2011 15:47, sathyashrayan wrote:
Thanks for the answer.. I did try your solution  $delCond['conditions'] = array('projects_id'=> $projects_id,'project_modules_id'=>$projectModuleID); $this->ProjectModule->UsersModule->deleteAll($delCond);  I am getting these error..  SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'conditions' in 'where clause' [CORE \cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 684]  Query: SELECT `UsersModule`.`id` FROM `users_modules` AS `UsersModule` LEFT JOIN `project_modules` AS `ProjectModules` ON (`UsersModule`.`project_modules_id` = `ProjectModules`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `users` AS `Users` ON (`UsersModule`.`users_id` = `Users`.`id`) WHERE conditions IN ('39', '27')  On Oct 4, 5:06 pm, Thomas Ploch <profipl...@googlemail.com> wrote: 
Hello, 1.) When posting a problem to the group, especially database related problems, posting the "some mysql error" is vital for us to help you. 2.) You are overwriting the conditions array in line 2 of your example: Try this instead (the 'AND' behavior is the default in cakephp, so you can safely ommit it): $delCond['conditions'] = array(     'projects_id'=>$projects_id,     'project_modules_id'=> $projectModuleID ) Kind regards Thomas On 04.10.2011 13:31, sathyashrayan wrote:This is the query for deleting multiple row. $query = "DELETE FROM users_modules WHERE projects_id='$projects_id' AND project_modules_id='$projectModuleID'"; I tried this $delCond['conditions'] = array('projects_id'=>$projects_id); $delCond['conditions'] = array('AND'=>array('project_modules_id'=> $projectModuleID)); $this->ProjectModule->UsersModule->deleteAll($delCond); But the delete query is not working. It shows some mysql error as a select rather than delete. I am executing this in projects_module_controller. 

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