Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Re: query


Jeremy Burns
Class Outfit


On 1 Nov 2011, at 09:43, WebbedIT wrote:

@Chris: Please no, not another person advocating the use of $this-
query()!  Although this one is really special as anytime you join two
models you give up and revert to running your own SQL?!?

Just because you can't get your head around associating models
together and running Model::find (should get your head around
containable too) does not mean you should recommend to others early in
the learning curve to follow your cop-out path.

There are so many reasons to learn how to use Cake properly and it
certainly does not make life harder, in fact you could not be further
from the truth.  OK there are some circumstances where you need to
learn how to leverage Model::find a little, but these are very few and
far between and the benefits of having your data arrays passed back in
a manner that the Form helper and Model::save expects them in saves
you a ton of time.

Please go back to the book and take the time to learn it and don't
advise others to give up on it.


On Oct 31, 9:07 am, Chris Cinelli
<chris.cine...@formativelearning.com> wrote:
We have complicated queries that span across 8 tables. We decided to use
pure SQL code. We defined our data source and run SQL through it defining
our custom methods in the model that execute the query. If the query is
just on one table we use the ORM but pure SQL pretty much in the other
cases. The purpouse of the ORM layer is to make things easier. If you make
it  more complicated, why are you doing it?
On Oct 31, 2011 1:55 AM, "WebbedIT" <p...@webbedit.co.uk> wrote:

Without seeing any of your code (model associations would have been
nice) I logically assume you are using Article HABTM Tag.

If so this does not create a model for the join table, but instead
puts in place some automagic to allow you to link many-to-many records
between the two models.  As such you can't run a find on the join
model, which is what you would have to do to be able to have
conditions spanning the three tables.

Your options are to use unbind and bind to force joins that you can


Or, my preferred option is to create a model for join tables

Article hasMany ArticleTag
Tag hasMany ArticleTag
ArticleTag belongsTo Article, Tag

This allows you to easily add extra fields into your join table and to
run $this->Article->ArticleTag->find('all', array('conditions'=>array(

HTH, Paul.

P.S. Notice how I have changed some of your field names and values.
Your isRead field should be lowercased and underscored and if boolen
use tinyint(1) with 0 and 1.  When searching for articles by tag you
would normally recieve the tagname in the request (much better for
seo) so to query by Tag.id would require an extra find that I would
say is unneccessary when you can filter by Tag.name (especially if you
have the name field unique indexed).  I would also switch
Article.status for numerical values, ideally with a lookup table so
you can easily add/edit status text across all articles.

On Oct 30, 8:50 am, SERKAN TURAN <serkantu...@gmail.com> wrote:
I have an query and I could not figure it out what is the cakephp form of

  INNER JOIN `tags_articles` ON (`tags`.`id` = `tags_articles`.`tag_id`)
  INNER JOIN `articles` ON (`tags_articles`.`article_id` =
  `articles`.`isRead` = 'Not' AND
  `tags`.`id` = 3 AND
  `articles`.`status` = 'New'
  `articles`.`name` DESC



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