Sunday, May 27, 2012

Re: Change route, base path

Its not the routes that you need to change when moving the files out of webroot, It's the index.php in your new web root. In there you define the paths to your cake installation.

Your file is probably in something like /www/cake/index.php

On Sunday, May 27, 2012 6:13:12 AM UTC+2, Afif Abu Bakar wrote:

I've got a problem after moving my working CakePHP into new folder under webroot. Previously, its working fine under webroot and can be access via localhost. But I've moved the  CakePHP  files into a new subfolder under webroot and I expect it to work via http://localhost/cake/.
So now I don't have access to my CakePHP files after moved unless I move it back to webroot. I knew I need to change something in Routes.php but I don't know how. Can someone explain to me what to change in order for it to works via http://localhost/cake?

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