Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Re: get output controller from another controller

Ok, great.

I managed to get what I want using lowpass advice.
$this->RequestHandler->renderAs($this, 'xml');
$this->viewPath = 'Events';
$this->set('event', $event);
$viewdata = $this->render('view');
print $viewdata;

But resetting the $this Controller to normal variables is rather
annoying and another problem right now.

So I tried to use the same code, but by using a separate
$eventsController = new EventsController();
This also doesn't work. (I don't get the XML output, but the html one)
$eventsController = new EventsController();
$this->RequestHandler->renderAs($eventsController, 'xml');
$eventsController->set('event', $event);
$eventsController->set('isAdmin', $this->_isAdmin());
$view = new View($eventsController);
$viewdata = $view->render('view');
print $viewdata;

Any idea why the separate controller option doesn't work?



On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Christophe Vandeplas
<> wrote:
> Hello,
> Unfortunately the output format (in my variable) is still not the REST XML.
> Any other idea?
> Thanks
> Christophe
> On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 6:31 AM, lowpass <> wrote:
>> I don't know if this is all you need but these might help:
>> $this->response->type('xml');
>> $this->viewPath = 'events';
>> $this->view = 'view';  // assuming app/views/events/view.ctp
>> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 2:45 AM, Christophe Vandeplas
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> ( using CakePHP 2.1 )
>>> I'm building an application that synchronizes data between different
>>> instances of my application. (download and upload)
>>> My application is REST enabled and thus I can call controller actions
>>> from external applications and get the result in clean xml. However it
>>> is not only a REST server, but also a REST client.
>>> Downloading data from the other instance is easy. I do a $xml =
>>> Xml::build($xmlurl); and process the $xml variable to import
>>> everything into my database. Perfect.
>>> However I am stuck in the other direction: Uploading data.
>>> I could simply do a $xmldata = Xml::fromArray($event)->asXML() however
>>> there is some cleaning to be done. This cleaning is what I do in my
>>> REST view as my REST clients should see the same xml as what I'm
>>> uploading to the other instance.
>>> So if I already do all the work in my rest view, why recoding exactly
>>> the same filtering?
>>> The url /events/view/5.xml  calls  EventsController->view(5) with XML
>>> layout and outputs everything in XML, exactly as I want it.
>>> I have a ServersController->push() function.
>>> This function needs to do get the same output as /events/view/5.xml ,
>>> and upload it using a REST POST request to the other instance.
>>> You could say I could simply call the /events/view/5.xml page using an
>>> HTTP request from the application.
>>> However it seems absurd as i) it seems absurd (and inefficient/slow)
>>> to do HTTP requests to yourself to extract data and ii) I have
>>> authentication on my REST calls which makes it a lot more difficult.
>>> I tried with :
>>> $eventsController = new EventsController();
>>> $eventsController->set('event', $event);
>>> $view = new View($eventsController);
>>> $viewdata = $view->render('view');
>>> But this only outputs the data in HTML, and not XML.
>>> I tried to play with the CakeResponse object in that newly created
>>> $eventsController, but that doesn't work. (there are no request or
>>> response instances created, and creating them myself doesn't work)
>>> So my question is:
>>> What is the best way to get the output of /events/view/5.xml
>>> (EventsController->view(5) ) inside another controller ?
>>> Thanks for your expertise.
>>> Christophe
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