Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tree Behavior - only enable leaves in select dropdown

I have a categories tree structure (ragged) and products. With the default behavior (i.e. using generateTreeList() ), when adding / editing a product, I can assign it to categories on any level. 

However, I'd like to only give the user the possibility of assigning products to leaf level categories. I would, however, like to present the user with the entire tree structure, as some category names can be ambigous (e.g. repeated for men / women).

The way I imagined this was to generate a select dropdown, but with some of the options disabled (all but leaves) - but I'm not really sure how to go about doing that. I went through the options of generateTreeList(), find('threaded') and any other available methods of the Tree Behavior. Nor do I see options for disabling elements of a select in the Form Helper.

Which way would you suggest I go?


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