Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Can not save two fields

I am stumped why 2 fields in my db refuse to save any data.



Inside my save()


if( $process['ACK'] == 'Success'){



                $order['Order']['transaction'] = $process['TRANSACTIONID'];

                $order['Order']['correlation'] = $process['CORRELATIONID'];







                $save = $this->Product->Order->saveAssociated($order);

                //$save = $this->Product->Order->saveAll($order);



No matter what it will not save these two fields, transaction and correlation. I have removed all validation, all the other fields save.


Debug shows 
                    'TIMESTAMP' => '2013-02-07T03:14:09Z',
                    'CORRELATIONID' => '33ad86af8f701',
                    'ACK' => 'Success',
                    'VERSION' => '95',
                    'BUILD' => '5060305',
                    'AMT' => '179.95',
                    'CURRENCYCODE' => 'USD',
                    'AVSCODE' => 'X',
                    'CVV2MATCH' => 'M',
                    'TRANSACTIONID' => '35U47260N8975103S'
'Order' => array(


                                         'user_id' => '51131bfc-9208-4253-a0cb-2691c09b532a',

                                         'transaction' => '35U47260N8975103S',

                                         'correlation' => '33ad86af8f701'



Seems so simple that its just crazy!


Any ideas?




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