Sunday, August 24, 2014

Re: datetime form helper.. need to display only AM/PM instead of hours and minutes

I have solved it already by just hidding the Hours and Minutes fields with CSS and set the date format into 12hrs.

Thank You

On Sunday, 24 August 2014 17:16:31 UTC+2, FandaR wrote:

We have about 15 datetime fields in our CakePHP project.. now my client wants to change the dropdowns withou hours and minutes with just one dropdown which would allow to select only AM/PM values without hours and minutes.. what would be the best way and easiest way to replace it in all forms on every page? I would like to ideally keep the datetime format in MySQL and just save "AM" as for example "Y-m-d 10:00" and "PM" as "Y-m-d 20:00" in the database so I dont need to change the structure and just modify the datetime form helper somehow?

Thank You for your suggestions


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