Monday, September 22, 2014

Re: Angular/Polymer web components and CakePHP

You mean should you learn an entire new framework so that you could have one layer less :D 

Whenever I get such projects the temptation is strong to go with some of the so called REST api frameworks but I keep coming back to cake for the familiarity and flexibility. Imaging if you did want a V layer at a later date...

Just my 2c


On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 2:27 PM, Jeremy Burns <> wrote:
Canvassing some opinion...

I'm just about to start a project that has an Angular and/or Polymer web components front end, so the API only ever needs to send JSON responses and receive normal posts/get requests. As such, there is no need for the 'V' part of an MVC framework. I know CakePHP can do this very well (I've already built one) but is it still considered the best/an ideal framework for this purpose?

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