Thursday, October 16, 2014

Re: cakedc/migrations Plugin: Index Operations

FWIW CakePH 3.0 will have a spanking new migrations plugin 


On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 3:26 PM, deizel <> wrote:
Maybe next time - the issue should now be fixed in latest release. ;)

On Thursday, 16 October 2014 04:17:24 UTC-5, OJ Tibi - @ojtibi wrote:
Thanks for the reply, deizel. I'll do as you recommended.

Good luck to all the folks that will make CakeFest happen!

Best regards,

On Thursday, October 16, 2014 12:33:53 PM UTC+8, deizel wrote:
Hey OJ,

Things do slow down around CakeFest but we are aiming to get the plugins caught up as we speak.

The general answer to your question would be yes. If you can dedicate time to an issue, forking and submitting a pull request is usually the fastest approach.

If you are using Composer to manage dependencies, you can easily switch to a fork until changes are being merged:

Having said that, your urgency has been noted so we will try to look into this issue sooner.

Thanks for reaching out.

On Wednesday, 15 October 2014 22:36:17 UTC-5, OJ Tibi - @ojtibi wrote:
Hi folks,

I came across a speed bump with cakedc/migrations regarding creating/removing indexes on existing table columns. You can take a look at an issue I opened here:

Essentially, I just reopened issue #170 regarding how indexes are operated upon by the Migrations plugin. There seems to be a bug on how the plugin handles blank field names in the generated migration file in a 'drop_field' section, where an index is specified but not the the field name. I'm assuming the generator skipped naming the field to prevent the plugin from accidentally dropping the whole column after dropping the index, but also effectively stopping the migration (schema-altering) process.

I'm thinking, since the CakeDC team is a little busy right now (their GitHub repo hasn't been touched in months), should I just fork the plugin and do modifications in my own repo right now? I'm working on some production code and this plugin functionality is quite urgent.


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