Thursday, December 11, 2014

Re: Auth infinite redirect

Hi Felipe

Turn on debugging and tell us what this $this->Auth->redirectUrl() returns in your login method.

Enjoy, John

On Thursday, 11 December 2014 19:36:30 UTC+2, Felipe Silveira wrote:
Hello everybody,

I have a problem with Auth which is well known, researched enough but found nothing that would solve my problem, anyway.

I'm using a database that is not in the Cake convention, then set up the Auth according to the existing structure already and when I try to access the system (any action) give the infinite redirect error browser.

UsersController (SYSUSUARIOController)


Thank you all.

Felipe Silveira Mendes
Twitter - Linked-In
Web Developer
(31) 8370-9090 (Claro)

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