Monday, December 15, 2014

Re: In CakePHP 3.0, how to get logged in user in product model?

Actually it would not be cleaner, as you are creating a hidden dependency. Always pass the parameters a function needs to work with. There are ways of doing this, of course, (hint a global variable through Configure or any other static class)

On Monday, December 15, 2014 1:05:48 PM UTC+1, frocco wrote:
I have a product model and need a function in the entity to return certain pricing info based on who is logged in.
I am getting around this by setting a state variable in the controller beforeFilter and passing that to the function from the view.

It would be cleaner if I could do this in the model.
I did this using Yii and django, but would like to do this using cake as it is much farther along in my port.



On Monday, December 15, 2014 3:37:13 AM UTC-5, José Lorenzo wrote:
You can pass it in an entity property, what are you trying to do?

On Sunday, December 14, 2014 7:53:48 PM UTC+1, frocco wrote:

Having a hard time getting this to work.

I want to access the logged in user's model from another model (product)


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