Saturday, April 4, 2015

Re: Cells and debug_kit

While it is possible to get the variables, we'd have to figure out how to show the different variable scopes in a way that will make sense. Cells can easily re-use variable names between each other and the containing view so there would either need to be separate sections or some other dividing elements.

If you have time/ideas a put together some code that does what you want, I can help polish of the code and get it merged in :)


On Saturday, 4 April 2015 09:10:04 UTC-4, Harold Putman wrote:
Cells are my new bicycle. 

Cells in CakePHP 3 are a great way to share logic and display code between admin and normal views. I'm sure I will find many other uses for them as well.  But one problem I have run into is that the Variables panel of debug_kit can not see into the cell. I think this is inherent to how Cells work, but wonder if there is a way to expose variables to the debug_kit from the Cell. I'd be fine even having to add some extra code just to see into the cell just during development. 

Any ideas?

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