Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Re: cakephp best practice

If you are just looking to make it easier for them to find an option in a large list, I would implement something like (see the remote data section in the examples if you have too many sales groups to pre-populate the list on page load)

If the user needs to fill out multiple fields tin order to perform a more advanced search then it would depend on the overall user experience you want to deliver - revealing a form in the page or via a modal is definitely a viable ui pattern.

On Tuesday, June 2, 2015 at 3:18:19 PM UTC-4, Elton Antunes wrote:
Hi there,

I'm new to web development and I've been studying cakephp and I have this situation where I want to know the best practice.

Imagine a user creating a new Customer in the application, in the form he has to choose the customer's sales group, and this table has so many records, that's using a drop down list isn't a viable option.

I was thinking in the user press a button, then open a modal window. This new window would have a grid, with search options (for filtering the data) and the user would choose one, and go back to the original form, bringing back the sales group selected by the user.

What's the name of this technique, and is it a good option? How to do this in cakephp?

Best regards

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