Create a file index.html in the web root of your server with the
content "hello world".
Now take any framework and compare the speed it takes to render... the
index.html framework beats them all!
On the other hand we can do another test...
Take CakePHP and develop a fully functional application with 60 models
(or so) in two months. To double it's performance we purchase a
dedicated server for $119/month.
Or we could write one from scratch in about 4 months (if we're lucky),
which means that we've spend 320 extra hours of development time (40
hrs per week * 8 extra weeks) at $75/hr.. which translates to extra
$24,000 spent on the project.
I'm not really sure, which one of these tests is more pointless ...
but to me it seems silly to measure a framework's performance with
"hello world".
On Oct 27, 12:04 pm, "wahyu setianto" <>
> I have read in, it is true ? i know
> that CI is faster than cakephp because CI is not using OOP actualy
> --
> Octopus
> East Java Baker
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