Saturday, March 28, 2009

Re: Best Practise: Protecting against unallowed save()

first make sure the thing you are saving has a foreign key with the
user id associated with it.
i usually would deny access with the Auth component to the action that
i don't want a non logged in user to use.

simple acl to check if the record belongs to current logged in user:

put some kind of check in your action to read the user_id of the
record you are about to load....if it fails use cakes' redirect
function redirect the user to a location of some kind. if it passes
allow the record to be displayed.


function read ($id = null)
$this->Model->id = $id; //gets id of item from url parameter
$auth_id = $this->Auth->user('id'); //make sure your controller is
using Auth or this wont work)

$this->Model->read(); // reads record

On Mar 27, 9:05 pm, Aurelius <> wrote:
> I'm working about 2 month with Cake, but its my first bigger app.
> I want to write my own security function which would check before each
> save() if the save model is associated to the logged in user, what
> would be the best way to do that?
> My Ideas till now:
> a beforeSave() function in Appmodel:
>   + DRY
>   + relative secure
>   - if I use more than one save() its inefficient (I have up till 8 on
> one page)
>   - I don't have a clue how I can check newly created ones with no id
> a beforeSave(9 in each Modell:
>  - even more crappy than above
> a validation-function in the controller
>  - not DRY
>  - more code
>  + could work with allready readed data
> I believe that there must be more peaple out there with the same
> problem, are there any finished solutions?
> Any Ideas or thoughts are welcome!
> thx
> Aurelius
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