Friday, March 27, 2009

Re: Building a nearly 100% AJAX app - questions

You're in for a long uphill battle :) Ajax can get tricky and messy
very quickly as you've found out, and you have to deal with cross
browser issues. So its not an easy fight by any means. Both jQuery
and Prototype are good libraries and they offer much of the same
features. Its really a matter of personal choice and what tool you
think is going to work best for you. The ajax helper is only intended
as way to sprinkle some javascript into your application. Attempting
to build a large Javascript application with only the helper would be
foolish. If you are feeling lost and without structure, perhaps find
some more dynamic sites and pick apart their source. Or look into
client side MVC implementations like Jamal or JsMVC. There are also
extensive ui toolkits for dojo, YUI, and ExtJS which can help a lot as


On Mar 27, 11:04 am, logout <> wrote:
> Hi, Bakers!
> I've been digging in CakePHP over a month (I am new to PHP, SQL, CSS,
> JavaScript, AXAJ, and almost whatever Web related programming You may
> think of). In case you wander, I've been programming controllers in
> pure C (some of you may heared of this ancient language).
> So I had to read tons of electronic paper (oh, my poor eyes, and what
> was that word 'pillow' standing for?)
> But so far, so good. I had a lot of troubles (maybe I'll document them
> some day) with making this AJAX thing to work properly and to find
> ways to make my app look like and behave as a desktop one.
> So I have one BIG question: should I stick with the Prototype library,
> or should I invest some more time in mastering the jQuery and use it
> instead? Prototype does the job for now, but I "hear" that jQuery is
> simpler and more convenient to use. I must decide quickly, because the
> clock is ticking and I have an application to build. The Ajax Helper
> is helpful, but I guess not enough, according to some people.
> Also, I want to ask if there is a better way to "tickle" the fields of
> a form (i.e. to modify their content/value and properties after an
> ajax request) than to return javascript by the view (which script is
> "thrown away" after its evaluation/execution). I still use the MVC
> paradigm for the job, but I need to set values and properties
> dynamicly in the form, preserving the form's actual view and data
> (with the ability to use the embeded validation mechanism, provided by
> the model) until final submition.
> What I mean is populating a "combo" with options based on the choice
> made in another "combo", enableing other fields when it is time for
> them to be used, inserting other items in a list and evaluating some
> totals to be put in some input fields automatically. And some choices
> made should be validated at submission (like checking for empty
> fields, for example). Also I don't want to do extra quering the
> database and rendering the form over and over at every change, keeping
> track of the work done so far (what's the point in doing ajax requests
> then?).
> So, as we know, putting logic in the view is a bad thing, but how you
> execute dynamic scripts, if they are not in the returned content? And
> by dynamac I mean script, that will do it's job after the ajax call
> and then vanish into oblivion.
> Or am I just too confused with this soup of technologies, trying to
> consolidate them in the context of Cake... The next month or so my
> life will still suck a lot.
> P.S. Why there is a word "nearly" in the caption? Because only the
> login form is not ajaxed, and the logged user/admin is redirected to
> the main view. Everything else is happening in that main view.
> P.S.S. Sorry for the long post...
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