Monday, June 1, 2009

Re: Feedback from TranslateBehavior creator needed

Ok, now I'm even more confused than before ;) So I'll keep nagging

Question: Why App.locales is better place for locales? I get it why
Config.language is a bad place. But is App.locales because there's
some convention I don't know about? Or maybe just Your ideaof place to
store this stuff?

Now I did sth. like this:
1. in bootstrap:
Configure::write('App.locales', array('pol', 'eng'));
2. in AppController::beforeFilter where I handle lang changes I've
added sth like this:
('Config.language') )
It's not to elegant but does what I need to be done: App.locales is an
array for sure, firs locale in App.localse array is the same as
Config.language (language which is current application language)
3. in AppModel::beforeFilter:
function beforeFind($queryData) {
$this->locale = Configure::read('App.locales');
return parent::beforeFind($queryData);

And it seems to work for me. I realize that getting values for
original fields when no translation is present is not covered by any
test. And there is some possibility that after next core update it
will stop working. In that case I'll admit that making a shell that
reads original fields and writes it in i18n table is a good option.
We don't use any phing to handle automatic installation for now, so my
teammates will just forget to do that ;)

> In AppModel::beforeFind() would be useful to check
> $this->Behaviors->attached('Translate') &&
> $this->Behaviors->enabled('Translate')
Can You tell me why I should do that?

O n 31 Maj, 13:41, "jitka (poLK)" <> wrote:
> In AppModel::beforeFind() would be useful to check
> $this->Behaviors->attached('Translate') &&
> $this->Behaviors->enabled('Translate')
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