I made the changes you mentioned in the models and now the error is
the same but in another line:
Fatal error: Can not access empty property in / sitiotmp/www2/
nuevositio/cake/libs/model/model.php on line 948
I added lines before the 948 and got the "DUMP 1"
After this i add these lines:
if(!isset($this->alias) || empty($this->alias))
{ die('Es $this->alias'); }
if(!isset($model) || empty($model))
{ die('Is $this->{$model} = "'. $model . '" on ' . $this->alias); }
I got this response:
Is $this->{$model} = "" on Contenido
see something important?
thanks again.
/**************die(debug($this->alias)); ******************/
Contenido Object
[name] => Contenido
[primaryKey] => id
[displayField] => titulo
[belongsTo] => Array
[Grupos_de_contenido] => Array
[className] => Grupos_de_contenido
[foreignKey] => id_grupo_contenido
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[counterCache] =>
[hasOne] => Array
[Pagina] => Array
[className] => Pagina
[foreignKey] => id_contenido
[conditions] =>
[fields] =>
[order] =>
[dependent] =>
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => contenidos
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => contenidos
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[key] => primary
[id_grupo_contenido] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[id_contenido_padre] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[id_pagina] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[solo_enlace] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 1
[titulo] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[imagen] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[url] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[prioridad] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[publicado] => Array
[type] => boolean
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 1
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => Contenido
[tableToModel] => Array
[contenidos] => Contenido
[grupos_de_contenidos] => Grupos_de_contenido
[paginas] => Pagina
[logTransactions] =>
[transactional] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => Contenido
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[_log] =>
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__exists] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[_log] =>
[Grupos_de_contenido] => Grupos_de_contenido Object
[name] => Grupos_de_contenido
[primaryKey] => id
[displayField] => nombre
[useTable] => grupos_de_contenidos
[hasMany] => Array
[Contenido] => Array
[className] => Contenido
[foreignKey] => id_grupo_contenido
[order] => Contenido.prioridad DESC,
Contenido.titulo ASC
[conditions] => Contenido.publicado = true
[fields] =>
[limit] =>
[offset] =>
[dependent] =>
[exclusive] =>
[finderQuery] =>
[counterQuery] =>
[useDbConfig] => default
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => grupos_de_contenidos
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[key] => primary
[nombre] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[opciones] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => Grupos_de_contenido
[tableToModel] => Array
[grupos_de_contenidos] => Grupos_de_contenido
[contenidos] => Contenido
[logTransactions] =>
[transactional] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => Grupos_de_contenido
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[_log] =>
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] => all
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__exists] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[_log] =>
[Contenido] => Contenido Object
[Pagina] => Pagina Object
[name] => Pagina
[primaryKey] => id
[displayField] => titulo
[useDbConfig] => default
[useTable] => paginas
[id] =>
[data] => Array
[table] => paginas
[_schema] => Array
[id] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] =>
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[key] => primary
[titulo] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[descripcion] => Array
[type] => string
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 255
[contenido] => Array
[type] => text
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] =>
[id_contenido] => Array
[type] => integer
[null] => 1
[default] =>
[length] => 11
[validate] => Array
[validationErrors] => Array
[tablePrefix] =>
[alias] => Pagina
[tableToModel] => Array
[paginas] => Pagina
[logTransactions] =>
[transactional] =>
[cacheQueries] =>
[belongsTo] => Array
[hasOne] => Array
[hasMany] => Array
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[actsAs] =>
[Behaviors] => BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] => Pagina
[_attached] => Array
[_disabled] => Array
[__methods] => Array
[__mappedMethods] => Array
[_log] =>
[whitelist] => Array
[cacheSources] => 1
[findQueryType] =>
[recursive] => 1
[order] =>
[__exists] =>
[__associationKeys] => Array
[belongsTo] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => counterCache
[hasOne] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => dependent
[hasMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => foreignKey
[2] => conditions
[3] => fields
[4] => order
[5] => limit
[6] => offset
[7] => dependent
[8] => exclusive
[9] => finderQuery
[10] => counterQuery
[hasAndBelongsToMany] => Array
[0] => className
[1] => joinTable
[2] => with
[3] => foreignKey
[4] => associationForeignKey
[5] => conditions
[6] => fields
[7] => order
[8] => limit
[9] => offset
[10] => unique
[11] => finderQuery
[12] => deleteQuery
[13] => insertQuery
[__associations] => Array
[0] => belongsTo
[1] => hasOne
[2] => hasMany
[3] => hasAndBelongsToMany
[__backAssociation] => Array
[__insertID] =>
[__numRows] =>
[__affectedRows] =>
[_findMethods] => Array
[all] => 1
[first] => 1
[count] => 1
[neighbors] => 1
[list] => 1
[threaded] => 1
[_log] =>
On Aug 31, 7:24 pm, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The only things that look odd are 'Prioridad' (should be lowercase?)
> and 'order'=>'ORDER BY RAND()'. I think that should be just
> 'order'=>'RAND()', but I could be wrong.
> Looking at line 21 of 8166, there are 2 properties that it may be
> failing on. I'd add these lines just above 921:
> die(debug($this->alias));
> die(debug($this->{$model}));
> Run it once, then comment the 1st line. See if that shows anything helpful.
> On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 4:18 PM, logislack<jhac...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a problem with a hasMany relationship. Locally everything works
> > fine, but when I upload files to the server I get the following error
> > Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /sitiotmp/www2/nuevositio/
> > cake/libs/model/model.php on line 921
> > I'm using cake
> > My models with de problem:
> > <?php
> > class Grupos_de_contenido extends AppModel{
> > var $name = 'Grupos_de_contenido';
> > var $primaryKey = 'id';
> > var $displayField = 'nombre';
> > var $hasMany = array('Contenido'=> array('className'=>'Contenido',
> > 'foreignKey'=>'id_grupo_contenido',
> > 'order'=>'Contenido.Prioridad DESC, Contenido.titulo ASC',
> > 'conditions'=>'Contenido.publicado = true'
> > ));
> > }
> > ?>
> > ---------
> > <?php
> > class Encuesta extends AppModel {
> > var $name = 'Encuesta';
> > var $tableName = 'encuestas';
> > var $hasMany = array('Respuesta'=>array
> > ('className'=>'Respuesta', 'foreignKey'=>'id_encuesta'));
> > function obtenerEncuesta($id = null) {
> > $cond = array();
> > if(!is_null($id))
> > $cond = array('Encuesta.id' => $id);
> > return $this->find('first', array('contidions'=>$cond,
> > 'order'=>'ORDER BY RAND()'));
> > }
> > }
> > ?>
> > help?
> > Thanks!
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