automagically made it the double reference to plugins/controllers
disappear. Ie. /admin/projects/projects/view/1 was automagically /
So I've been trying to get it back for like a week now, and have it
pretty well done, but something very strange is going on and I was
wondering if anyone might have some ideas to push me in another
Situation Summary : Routing works in most cases, but if debug mode is
off (ie. set it to 0 in core.php) after a new repository publish
almost no pages work until I turn on debug mode (set to 2) and refresh
almost exactly 3 times. After that it works with debug mode set back
to zero. So its obviously some caching issue, but boy is it annoying
to be working on a project for the first time since publishing a repo
commit and save some changes and have all of those changes be lost
because I didn't run the "add" function three times in full debug mode
to update the cache.
Routing Code :
# shorten up plugin urls
$controllerKey = false;
$prefixedPluginKey = false;
$urlPieces = explode('/', $fromUrl);
$plugins = App::objects('plugin');
$pluginKey = array_search(Inflector::camelize($urlPieces[0]),
if (!empty($urlPieces[1])) $prefixedPluginKey =
array_search(Inflector::camelize($urlPieces[1]), $plugins);
# lets do non-admin or prefixed first
if ($pluginKey !== false) {
# and check if the next url piece is a controller or an action or if
it even exists
$plugin = strtolower($plugins[$pluginKey]);
if (!empty($urlPieces[0])) {
$pluginPath = App::pluginPath($plugin);
$controllers = App::objects('controller',
$controllerKey = array_search(Inflector::camelize($urlPieces[1]),
if ($controllerKey !== false) {
$controller = $controllers[$controllerKey];
array('plugin' => $plugin, 'controller' => $controller));
} else {
$controller = $plugin;
Router::Connect('/'.$plugin.'/:action/*', array('plugin' =>
$plugin, 'controller' => $controller));
} else if ($prefixedPluginKey !== false) {
# now lets do admin
$plugin = strtolower($plugins[$prefixedPluginKey]);
if ($urlPieces[0] == 'admin') {
$pluginPath = App::pluginPath($plugin);
$controllers = App::objects('controller',
if(!empty($urlPieces[2])) $controllerKey =
array_search(Inflector::camelize($urlPieces[2]), $controllers);
if ($controllerKey !== false) {
$controller = $controllers[$controllerKey];
array('plugin' => $plugin, 'controller' => $controller, 'admin'=>
} else {
$controller = $plugin;
Router::Connect('/admin/'.$plugin.'/:action/*', array('plugin' =>
$plugin, 'controller' => $controller, 'admin'=> true));
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