Saturday, October 30, 2010

Re: Empty records in database

On Sat, Oct 30, 2010 at 4:42 PM, ervin <> wrote:
> Ok, i think i found the origin of the problem, but not the reason or
> the solution.
> As i said this is an online car selling site, so every time the
> someone is viewing a car i was updating an database field calld 'view'
> to increment the number of views for this car. To do this i was using,
> in the view method of the controller :
> $this->Post->saveField('view', $view+1);
> I tried to remove this line and im not getting anymore those empty
> posts, but as i said i still have to understand why this was
> happening.

You hadn't set the model's id, so a new record is being inserted.

$this->Post->id = $id;

Another (I think better) way:
array('Post.view' => 'Post.view + 1'),
array('' => $id)

Better still:


function increment($id = null)
if (!$id) $id = $this->id;

array('Post.view' => 'Post.view + 1'),
array('' => $id)

Even better again would be to put the updateAll() in afterFind(), so
it's done automatically. But I've yet to figure out a decent way to
differentiate between a find('first') from find('all'), as $results
are unfortunately formatted the same in either case.

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