Tuesday, December 28, 2010

RE: Owner Check

So is that the best way to check owner against user? Well im sure there is
no best way since every situation is different but doing it this way is just
as good?
Simply try to get the request as normal and then process it. If $data then
there is a record do whatever with the data, if no $data then the user is
attempting to get something not theirs so $data will be empty tell user they
are an idiot :)

Just curious since some of the function

$data = $this->User->somefunctionToReturnUserRecord();


If (!$data){


-----Original Message-----
From: cricket [mailto:zijn.digital@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 3:51 PM
To: cake-php@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Owner Check

On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 9:51 PM, Dave Maharaj <me@davemaharaj.com> wrote:
> For the example edit is a Auth only access function and User hasMany
> so there would need to be an $id to pull the correct record so passing the
> $id is needed. Unless I am not following what your saying?

Right, I read that wrong. Then I guess it comes down to whatever code
is in your __getUserRecord method to check that the $record has the
correct user_id.

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