Thursday, August 25, 2011

Scalable CakePHP Architecture

Hi everybody,

we have a photo selling/sharing web project. Our customers get a
personal portfolio page and can sell their photography.
Because of an increasing amount of users, we are planning to add some
more web servers.

Right now we have one big cake application with the tasks split into
different controllers.
With regard to scalability (scale service delivery and increase the
number of developers) and the option to outsource parts of the
development, without giving access to the whole code, we plan to split
our project into smaller parts/services.

The Services could be split into following groups:
- static info pages of our project
- administration interface / customer area
- photoupload
- scaling/cropping/converting photos
- web pages of our customers with their galleries

Now I have three options:

1) keeping everything in one application with different controllers.
2) put every service in a individual cake app (some models can be
shared with a common directory)
3) configure every service to be a plugin

How would you split the cake-application? Which strategy would you


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