Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Re: Media PLugin

I understand what you are saying but I don't think it's the full answer. It's a perfectly valid use case to have a table that has an optional image in it without the need to have a separate join table. The absence of the image doesn't create any garbage data; the user row is still valid. A bio snap for a user is good example. For the plugin to simply clear the whole data array because the optional image fields aren't populated is nuts. If the fields are empty simply return true and let the main model get on with its work.

Jeremy Burns

On 28 Feb 2012, at 15:45:29, jeremyharris wrote:

It should only unset the data if you are creating the User and it's missing the 'file' key. If you are updating, you shouldn't *need* the 'file' key.

That said, you can probably get away with passing an empty (or a path to a default image) file key when you are creating the User using a hidden field. This should allow the coupler to continue with the save. This may save some empty garbage data that is probably unwanted.

The other solution would be to detach the Coupler behavior at runtime when you don't want it to "force" you to have an image.

The whole point of the Coupler is to tightly couple the physical image to the record, so if the image doesn't exist neither should the record. I tend to create a separate table for attachments for this very reason. A user should be allowed to exist without an image.

On Tuesday, February 28, 2012 5:42:11 AM UTC-8, Jeremy Burns wrote:
I'm using David Persson's media plugin. I have a users table that
contains the fields necessary to link to an image file, but a user
does not have to have an image. When I include the Media.Coupler
behaviour in the User model User->create always fails on User->save
when the user does not have an image because of the beforeSave in

        function beforeSave(&$Model) {
                if (!$Model->exists()) {
                        if (!isset($Model->data[$Model->alias]['file'])) {
                                 unset($Model->data[$Model->alias]);  <<<--- clears down my User
                                return true;
                } else {

This is unsetting the User data because the file key is missing. If I
comment out the unset my User->save is successful. The Media.Coupler
is working perfectly well for another table that hasMany images in an
associated table.

Is there a setting I need to configure or am I doing something else

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