Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Can I / should I create multiple models for same single table?

Hi ... and thank you so much for your time and expertise:

I've made a lot of progress learning CakePHP, but I cannot find in the documentation what I should do when I want another, second model based upong the same database table.

I have a single table, called topics. I've created one version of "Topics" model in one app that uses the standard approach and a second version of "Topics" model, in a second, separate app, that uses public $actsAs = array('Tree'); to create a TreeBehavior model. In each case I've called the model Topics, using the naming convention that matches the model to the table name.

But what if I sometimes want to use the first version of the model and sometimes the second version of the model -- both in the same app? I tried naming the TreeBehavior version of the model "Tree" and then using public $useTable = 'Topic'; -- but I couldn't get things to work.

I'm just wondering what, probably basic, concept I'm missing.

Again, thank you!


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