Monday, October 22, 2012

Making database queries secure

I do some custom database queries using some values derived from a call to find.  I think I should make these more secure using a security function, but I am not sure which function to use.  Should I use Sanitize or mysql_real_escape_string, and what parameters should I pass?  Here is the relevant code:
  $user = $this->User->Find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $id)));
  $username = $user['User']['username'];
  $email = $user['User']['email'];
  $qry = $this->User->query('UPDATE outemails SET to_user_id=null, recipient="'.$username.
   '" WHERE to_user_id="'.$id.'";');
  $qry = $this->User->query('INSERT INTO delemails (username, email, blacklisted, created) VALUES ("'.

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