Monday, October 22, 2012

Request gets blackholed.

I have a standard function in AppController that’s used for various controllers to simply order / re-order users records for various controller.

There are no views as the ordering (drag and drop ) is done on the manage_index view for what ever controller.

It worked in 1.3 but migrating to 2.2.3 and now the request gets black holed.



public function manage_order() {


                                if ( $this->request->is('ajax') && $this->request->is('post')) {


                                                //$this->_ajaxSetup(); //simple function that has $this->autoRender = false; $this->autoLayout = false;



                                                if( !empty( $this->request->data )){


                                                                $count = 0;

                                                                foreach ( $this->request->data as $record ) {


                                                                                $record = substr( $record, 4 );//remove set_ from beginning of the id

                                                                                $this->{$this->modelClass}->id = $record;

                                                                                if ( $this->{$this->modelClass}->hasAny( array( 'id' => $record, 'user_id' => $this->owner_id ) ) ) {

                                                                                                $this->{$this->modelClass}->saveField( 'order', $count );




                                } else {

                                                $this->redirect( array( 'manage' => true, 'action' => 'index' ) );






                                'controller' => 'showcases',

                                'action' => 'order',

                                'prefix' => 'manage',

                                'manage' => true));


If I access the url directly I get redirected so it gets to the function, but the ajax request results in Error. Address not found your request has been blackholed.

But I see the POST data sent as it should to the correct URL.


I am using security component. Any ideas?





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