Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Re: Registration - Teacher & Students - Multiple Auth?

Dude, take a minute to read about ACL...

But my suggestion is to use ONE table for all users, but create the roles for the GROUP, not for the USER, and assign a group to an user... Just a suggestion

Actually i have plugin wich has a component, called LockerComponent, it extends the AuthComponent, so it makes the samething but with some features. The groups and roles can be created in a separate file in /app/Config/locker.php, I prefer this solution tham Cake´s solution.

Em segunda-feira, 1 de abril de 2013 16h18min06s UTC-3, Nathan Pierce escreveu:
Hey y'all, I got a question. 

I've got the registration form for my site putting stuff in the database, but I'm wondering if someone has any suggestions on how I can achieve some features.

1. I'm going to have a table for teachers and students. They will have two separate login forms on the site, one more simple than the other. I'm focusing on students right now, since it's using the UsersController, etc. I'm just wondering if someone has any suggestion on using cakephp and having two separate auth systems. Is there some documentation somewhere about this? I want two separate tables in the database, I don't want all users in one giant ass database table and then having roles, etc.

2. I need a way to identify student login sessions from teachers sessions so I can do some if logic and send them to the proper dashboard/etc. I'm new to cake, so I'm wondering if there is a best method someone can suggest to me. I'm trying to keep things standard to cake, which will be impossible, but I'm still trying. I'm guessing I need to assign a role to the user when they signup and then just use that. Right? Or should I use another system to do this and have them all in one database? I'd really like them split up..

Thanks for your time!

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