Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Forgive the ignorance - What is a JSON view?

Reading on response and such but what is a JSON view?


I am building an site which is 99% based on JSON responses and that gets pushed back to the js based on the result / success / fail and the data sent from the controller to the js updates the current view accordingly.

Not using any new views or anything after submit  /view / add just the standard html views / elements so I am wondering what is a JSON view?


For example I try to submit a form sent via ajax:


In error the response from the server sent to the js from the controller is like this::





                                        "title":["Please enter a title."],

                                        "from":["Please enter the from who."],

                                        "description":["Please enter a description."]},




                                         "title":"Not quite there!",

                                        "text":"Please correct the following errors and try again."}






                if (r.status === true) {

                                alertMessage('success', r.message);


                } else {




                                alertMessage('error', r.message, r.errors);

                                setErrors(r.errors, sel)




So the js will update the form automatically (by-passing the cake error notifications , added dynamically) adding the errors where they are, reset the CSRF token and the general fail message. No view is used / rendered so just wondering if I am doing this wrong?


And what would a JSON view look like anyways?


As always thanks in advance.


Dave Maharaj

Freelance Designer | Developer

www.movepixels.com  |  dave@movepixels.com  |  709.800.0852


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