Friday, May 2, 2014

Re: Integrating Jasper Reports into Cakephp

I haven't used Jasper exactly, but you can pretty easily use the PHPJavaBridge to integrate and call it's methods.
Here are some examples I found:

Research the PHPJavaBridge more and you will find your answer.

Oh, yes - for the CakePHP part:
Reporting logic looks and sounds like model logic to me. :))
So you can put it in the Model Layer.
How exactly is up to you and depends on the architecture and entity relationships in your application.
You can have table-less models for this or just different methods in different models where you need this.

It could also be a "vendor library" since calling Jasper reporting isn't really a "get that data and manipulate it"-only operation.

Where you put it and how you use it really depends on your needs and preferences.


On Thursday, 1 May 2014 02:15:45 UTC+3, Dale Marthaller wrote:
I have been doing some research about utilizing Jasper reporting for a new Cakephp project I'm about to start. Has anyone else actually done this?
Ideally I would like to be able to programattically run the generation of reports directly from Cakephp logic.

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