Friday, November 7, 2014

CakePHP 2.5.6 and 2.6.0-RC released

The CakePHP core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP [2.5.6]( and [2.6.0-RC1]( 2.5.6 is a bugfix release for the 2.5 release series, while 2.6.0-RC1 is beta release of the upcoming 2.6.0 release. A list of the changes you can expect in 2.5.6 are:

* CakeSession::read() returns null on all failure cases.
* Model::isUnique() now works as validator for multiple fields.
* CakeTestCase::getMockForModel() now injects the test datasource for all connection names.
* Digest Auth now handles `&`, `?` in digest auth data.
* FormHelper no longer generates a hidden input for disabled mulitple checkbox inputs.
* Folder::create() now handles relative paths.
* Stack traces now output more context on exceptions.
* Fatal errors now include stack traces if xdebug is enabled.
* Virtual fields no longer incorrectly replace `IN` clauses.

## Changes in 2.6.0-RC

In addition to the changes in 2.5.6, 2.6.0-RC contains the following changes:

* `Hash::merge()` and `Hash::expand()` are now more performant.
* `TranslateBehavior` properly handles the atomic flag.
* Redis Engine now includes a default prefix based on your application directory.
* MySQL schema reflection includes comment support now.
* `CakeRoute::__set_state` was added. This helps make it easier to cache routes with `var_export`.
* `CakeResponse::file()` accepts ranges even when the download option is set to `false`.
* `AuthComponent` now has a `userFields` option which allows you to limit which fields are loaded into the session.
* `PaginatorHelper::meta()` has been added. This method helps you easily generate meta tags containing pagination information.

If there are no blocking issues found in the RC release we expect to have a stable 2.6.0 release ready in 3 or 4 weeks.

A huge thanks to all involved in terms of both contributions through commits, tickets, documentation edits, and those whom have otherwise contributed to the framework.

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