Saturday, November 1, 2014

Re: Conditionally set defaultConnectionName

Thanks for the idea José. Could you elaborate a little on usage? The API explains how it works, but i'm fuzzy on where to use it. Doesn't looks like it's mentioned in the Cookbook.

As a basic example, if i have these controllers:

- public Controller that connects to table "Parks" to produce info about the company's parks (locations, park maps, owner-entered blah-blah, etc.)
- Should only use the restricted actual "default" connection

- Admin-access controller where the "Parks" records are managed
- Needs the elevated "admin" connection for data changes.

i presume i would use the alias method somewhere in the Admin's AboutController (or a step up in the AdminController abstract the admin controllers inherit from), but how & where?

Thanks for your help.

On Friday, 31 October 2014 04:51:29 UTC-4, José Lorenzo wrote:
The easiest way is to alias the connection:

\Cake\Datasource\ConnectionManager::alias('default', 'admin');

What it does is that, when a table is created instead of passing the default connection it will pass the admin one.

On Friday, October 31, 2014 1:42:42 AM UTC+1, Joe Theuerkauf wrote:
Correct. When the Admin is logged in to that part of the site, the connection with the elevated account would be used for all requests so data edits can be performed. For the general user, the restricted connection would be used, where data edits aren't permitted (with limited exceptions granted to that db account). i don't want to mix data connections on a single request.


On Thursday, 30 October 2014 04:10:35 UTC-4, José Lorenzo wrote:
Let me see if I understood correctly: For certain admin actions you want to use the admin connection instead of default for ALL tables used in that request?

On Thursday, October 30, 2014 4:25:30 AM UTC+1, Joe Theuerkauf wrote:
i may be overthinking this - if so, tell me.

i'd like to have a DB config for the general website user, who needs only SELECT for most things, and a separate config for the Admin side of the site where other privileges are needed.

Since defaultConnectionName returns which config to use, is it possible to determine within that method which connection i need to return (Admin or basic) for the Table?

My original thought was to somehow set the connection i need in the controllers, as i have an abstract AdminController that the Admin-level controllers inherit from. But i don't see any obvious reference to doing this in the documentation. So i thought a conditional return from [Table]::defaultConnectionName might work.

If it's better just to use a single higher-privilege account for all purposes, so be it. Just thought i'd ask. :)

-joe t.

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