Friday, March 13, 2015

Re: 3.0 - Router::prefix() -> why no params parameter?

After looking at the code, I found how to do:

Router::prefix('admin', callback) is actually equivalent to Router::scope('/admin', ['prefix' => 'admin'], callback) so one can use Router::scope() to add routing defaults to prefixed routes.

Le vendredi 13 mars 2015 09:40:18 UTC-7, Pgbi a écrit :
Hi cakephp world !

With Router::connect() and Router::scope() one can pass a params parameter which represents "An array of routing defaults to add to each connected route".

I was expecting Router::prefix() to be able to also handle a params parameter. But that's not the case.

Is there any reason for that? How would your gracefully add routing defaults to prefixed routes?
Do you think it would be useful to make Router::prefix() capable of handling a params parameter (i can have a look at it)?

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