Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Re: Saving test results

And then I found the solution.

// Set up the test model as normal:
$this->TestQuote = ClassRegistry::init('TestQuote');

// Then set up a duplicate model with a different name
$this->TestQuoteSource = ClassRegistry::init('TestQuote');

// Then set the datasource of the duplicate

// At the point I want to save back to the source table:
$this->TestQuoteSource->id = $testQuote['TestQuote']['id'];
$this->TestQuoteSource->saveField('actual_price', $actualPrice);

On Tuesday, 17 March 2015 10:07:36 UTC, Jeremy Burns wrote:
I have a fixture:

public $import = array('model' => 'TestQuote', 'records' => true);

...which, as you'd expect, creates a table in my test database and imports the records. My test case iterates over the rows and runs a test quote for each row, comparing an expected price with a returned price. I want to capture the returned price and save it back into the test_quotes table in my default database so that test users can (i) manage the test quote cases and (2) see the results after testing.

How can I do this please?

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