Yes, that is the way it works. And I had a lot of problems with that as well
-- You can use a plugin like this to avoid loading all models:
Upgrading your application would be the best idea, though
On Monday, May 4, 2015 at 11:34:16 PM UTC+2, DigitalDude wrote:
On Monday, May 4, 2015 at 11:34:16 PM UTC+2, DigitalDude wrote:
Hey guys,I'm wondering if anyone has a clue on this one, but I need to check if this is the standard behavior or not in CakePHP 1.3.Let's say I want to create a model anywhere in my app. Besides a lot of other options, I could do this with:$Post = ClassRegistry::init('Post');When I trace the call stack of my function, I see that cake invokes EVERY related model (via belongsTo, hasMany etc.). And it is doing it recursive, so when I hit a second related model with a back-connection to the first model, it constructs them another time all the way trough.I have an app on Cake 1.3 with about 150 models, which are nearly all related to each other via model-paths/associations. When I trace the call stack and check what models get constructed, it will end up in constructing nearly 600 (!) model-classes (some models are instantiated at least 35 times).I checked this with Cake 2, and it behaves completely different. Only the models targeted within finds or accessing data from other models, those models are instantiated. The only thing I know of for the moment is removing those relations and use on-the-fly bind/unbind within all actions, but this would be a hell lot of work to do (and easier to migrate the whole app to cake2).So my question is:Is this normal for CakePHP 1.3 to create ALL related models/classes as well? Did anyone of you had similar problems when the app grew and you had more than 100 models? I'm really sure I setup all relations correctly and I already tested a lot if there is any wrong relation that might cause a recursion loop...Maybe it's time for splitting the app into smaller services to avoid those complex relations and recursions...
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